The digital innovation of VS DENTAL

E-commerce of products and equipment for the dental and dental technology sector


Vs Dental is a dental warehouse of products and equipment for the dental technology sector. The company deals with the sale and distribution of equipment from the most important brands, guaranteeing consultancy, studios and laboratories’ design, installation and technical assistance since 1989.

In recent years VS DENTAL added an innovative e-commerce, without contractual constraints for customers and without any obligation to place a certain numbers of orders.

The collaboration with Fabulab began in 2019, when VS DENTAL needed a new custom e-commerce platform integrated with the management system, which is currently being completed.


VS DENTAL goal was a new e-commerce that could be updated and integrated with the internal AS/400 management system.

The website existing until then had in fact been developed in RUBY, an obsolete and unsustainable programming language.
The new e-commerce is developed with PHP programming language, completely custom.

The project began with UX analysis, together with VS DENTAL, in order to identify the main problems on the existing website that hindered the user experience and what to implement for increasing conversions.

From this, the User Interface was built in accordance with the company style and tone of voice. The UI incluede both the elimination of various unnecessary elements and the insertion of effective and intuitive visual elements, significantly impacting the percentage of conversion.

The project included:

  • The integration of the e-commerce platform with the internal AS/400 management system, used for managing orders, product catalogs, price lists, commercial offers.
  • The optimization and improvement of the e-commerce performance, thanks also to the different server infrastructure.
  • The e-commerce’s back-office was  simplified, created and customized on the needs of VS DENTAL.
  • The implementation of additional features, such as the management of abandoned cart.
  • The integration of Google Merchant Center for the sale of products.
  • The optimization of SEO activities for Google and Bing.
  •  We manage the e-commerce platform, constantly monitoring its performance, intervening with any integrations or improvements in line with the needs of the market, the company and technological innovations.


Strategic analysis
Graphic design and visual storytelling
Website development
Data integration
UX Design
UI Design

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